Marie Forleo and my big, bad blog

Marie Forleo is a self-help guru extraordinnaire and author of Everything is Figureoutable which I’m currently reading. I came across her 3 years ago when I was in a bad place mentally and emotionally. But strangely enough, I actually first discovered her almost 2 decades ago!

Do you remember dvd’s? I used to be a fitness dvd addict. I had a huge collection, from 10 minute solutions dvds to Denise Austin (I absolutely loved Denise Austin and still do. She’s still rocking it to this day and looks amazing) Tracey Mallett, Christine Bullock and the list goes on. I loved variety in my workouts and still crave it. Marie’s dance dvd was one of my favorites. It’s crazy that years later she’s become such a powerhouse and inspiration for women all over the world. I truly admire her tenacity, fortitude, dedication and authenticity. If I’m being totally honest, one of my biggest dreams in life is to have her read my words one day. But I digress.

Creating this blog has been a gratifying and excruciating process. I torture myself for hours about defining my niche, wrack my brain over what I should write about, and question (almost daily) if I should even pursue this big, bad blog at all. My thoughts sometimes drag me down deep. I believe them and they grab hold of me. Can you relate? It took me years, literally years, to create this little blog. As soon as I’d decide to do it, those thoughts would creep in, “There are so many platforms out there, how the heck are you going to decide which one to use? You can barely decide on what you want for dinner! Let alone a blogging platform. And the amount of work it will take? Do you have any idea? Do you even have anything to talk about? You have no niche! There are tons of blogs out there already. There’s no point in even trying…” And on and on it would go. Marie says in her book, “Belief becomes the source of your limitation or your liberation. It doesn’t matter what’s true, it matters what you believe.” Ain’t that the truth. Sing it, sister. My not-so-nice thought patterns often times grab hold and don’t want to let go. We’re our own worst critics, right? I’m trying to change that. Instead of giving up and giving in to the voices in my head, I’m going to keep running with this and see where it leads me.

After years of giving into these doubts and self-sabotage, I drew a line in the sand. I had enough. I wanted it. Whether anyone reads it or not, it’s mine. So I took action.

I decided that once both of my kids were in school full time, I’d sit down, write out ideas for blog posts, and publish at least one a week. I’m proud to say, I’m doing it. I’m so grateful that I have time to breathe, a few hours of sanity where I can accomplish something that’s important to me. Marie, unbeknownst to her, is helping me through this process. She says, “Because insight without action is worthless. Taking action is the only path to change.” Marie knows her stuff. She delivers one truth bomb after another in this book. So I’m taking her advice. Her words of inspiration and interviews with powerful thought leaders on MarieTv are so captivating and informative so go check her out! If you need encouragement and insight, find her on youtube, The Marie Forleo podcast and


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