Breaking Free from Resistance

Pushing past your barriers and limits to create your vision of happiness.

Yesterday, I rummaged through my old college papers. “Time to go back,” I said to myself.

Looking back helps propel me forward. I often get this urge to go back, to look at old photos, old birthday cards, school assignments and papers, in order to get perspective on who I was and remember what my aspirations were. Do you ever do that?

It’s hard for me to remember what I wanted to be when I was little. Because honestly, I never thought about the future. I lived in the moment.

I cherished being a kid. It’s special.

You have no inhibitions. You’re not hardened from the world. You’re free. Free of responsibilities, worries, fear, heartbreak, finances…it’s exhilarating. You’re happiness in its purest form.

These days, I’ve been stuck in my head a lot. I’ve been stagnant. Ok, I have been eating a boatload of Halloween candy on the regular, that’s part of it.

But I also know whenever I feel like this it’s because I’m not writing. I’m not doing what I need to do.

I know it’s what I need and yet it almost feels impossible to sit down and put pen to paper.

It’s like exercise. You know you should do it but you don’t want to. You come up with every excuse in the book to get out of it. Dread. It’s hard to shake.

But then something amazing happens after you start. You keep going.

It flows. And by the end, there’s always a sense of accomplishment. You’re always glad you did it. Regret is the result of not trying at all.

And so it goes, this endless dance of dread, resistance, doing and achieving.

The hardest part is beginning. Once you push past the discomfort, progress happens. That’s where you find it, on the other side of your fear. What scares me more than sucking at it, is not even attempting it. That’s much worse.

We can’t afford not to try. We’ll lose the most valuable thing, ourselves.

It all depends on the choices we make.

Where are you putting your energy?

I know how hard it is to be uncomfortable. We don’t like it. So we take the easy way out. We quit or never even try. But guess what? When you quit, you kill the possibility. The dream ends. The chance is gone.

So when the going gets tough, adjust. Ask what isn’t working. Where’s the struggle coming from? Adjust accordingly.

Make the impossible, possible. Small tweaks, slight adjustments. And maybe, just maybe, your progress will lead you to the possibilities that lie on the other side.

Push past your resistance. Create. Do. Cultivate. Practise. Learn. Pursue. Your freedom awaits you.


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