Stop Quitting and See it Through

It’s so easy to forget about what we actually want. It’s so easy to focus your attention on the mundane instead of hone in on what you know deep down you should do and want to do. For me I keep busy and distracted with laundry, watching the school district board meetings on youtube, cleaning the house, etc. Sitting down and starting to type is so unbelievably intimidating for me. Daunting, even. Yet, I know it’s right. Once I get past the first ten or so minutes of what I believe is pure garbage, the feelings of inadequacy and embarrassment start to taper off. Today, at least, I decide that I’m not going to lose focus, walk away from the computer and carry on with the next thing, like the folding of the laundry. No, I’m staying put. I’m finishing a post instead of giving up half way through until a few days pass and I decide to come back to it. I need to finish and I need to quit quitting. It’s a common theme in my life. I quit gymnastics when I was a kid and I still wonder to this day if I could’ve been really great at it. It’s easy to quit. That’s why we do it so much. It’s much harder to stick with something and see it through. We’re uncomfortable with challenges but I’m learning that in fact, that’s how we grow. It’s not comfortable. It’s not supposed to be. I believe writing is something I need to do daily. It allows me to express myself in a creative and deeper way. It’s important. It’s an investment. It’s time well spent instead of time wasted. It’s a promise, one that I need to keep to myself no matter the day or my mood. A constant. Because I know once I stick with this, really stick with it, I’ll prove to myself that I can, that it’s possible and then more possibilities will appear.


The First Post I Never Published


Wishful Dreaming